Cracking China Book References


Here are all the references used in the book. They are sorted according to the entry in the book. If you spot an error or find a link that does not work or know of a better reference please let us know.


acupuncture (fabriqspa)

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 183-185

Book: Away with all pests, Joshua Horn, Modern Reader, 1969 pp. 72-74

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 32, 232

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 p. 81

Book: Chinese Common Knowledge: Culture: Wang Yi: 2004:Hong Kong Chinese… pp. 120-124

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 152-154

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 124-131

Magazine: Issue 95 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 22-25


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 217-222

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 52-53, 82-83, 104, 153-154, 167-168, 237-238

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 p. 124

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 33-34, 51-52, 58-59, 72-76, 131-132, 209, 294-297, 315-317, 327-328

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 60-61

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 p. 101

Book: The Civilization Of China, Herbert A. Giles, Bickers and Dagny, 1911 pp. 94-96

Book: The Fragrant Chinese, Anthony Lawrence, Chinese University Press, 1993 pp. 1-233

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: ON GUESTS…


15 creative uses of bamboo - Matador Network

bamboo (wikipedia)

Book Vol. 1 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 137-140

Book Vol. 2 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 p. 384

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 28-29

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 p. 411

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 33-34

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 32-33


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 p. 328

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 58-59

Book: Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: Centenary Edition: 1970: Cassell pp. 195-197

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 24-26

Book: China Culture Smart%21, Kathy Flower, Kuperard, 2010 p. 108

Book: Chinese Characteristics, Arthur Henderson Smith, North China Herald, 1890 p. 33

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 58-59

Book: Modern China: A companion to a rising power, Graham Hutchings, Harvard University Press, 2003 p. 111

Book: The Empress Wu, C.P. Fitzgerald, Cresset Press, 1968 pp. 28-35

cat (foxnews)

cat (goodlucksymbols)

cat (kittehkats)

cat (livescience)

cat (nbcnews)


Ancient Chinese Chess %28Xiangqi%29 Pieces

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 60-61

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 352-355

Chess (wikipedia)

Chess (wikipedia)

Magazine: Issue 141 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 20-21



Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 p. 27

Book: The Chan's Great Continent, Jonathan Spence, Penguin,1998 pp. 62-80

Book: To Change China, Jonathan Spence, Penguin, 1980 p. 32

Book: When America first met China, Eric Jay Dolin, Liveright, 2013 pp. 58-60, 102

Chinoiserie (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 p. 108

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 179-182

Book: Myths and Legends of China, Werner, Dover, 1922 pp. 20-26

Book: The Dragon Empress, Marina Warner, Hamish Hamilton, 1972 pp. 15-20

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 p. 64

Book: Through the Chinese Revolution, Ralph and Nancy Lapwood, Spalding and Levy, 1954 p. 87



24 Paragons Filial Piety

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 88-98

Book: China A to Z, Kai Strittmatter, Haus Publishing, 2006 p. 94

Book: Chinese Characteristics, Arthur Henderson Smith, North China Herald, 1890 p. 26

Book: Modern China: A companion to a rising power, Graham Hutchings, Harvard University Press, 2003 p. 86

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 140-157

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 42-46

Book: The Civilization Of China, Herbert A. Giles, Bickers and Dagny, 1911 pp. 170-175

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 35-43

Confucius (wikipedia)

Confucius (wikipedia)


Book: An Introduction to Feng Shui, Ole Bruun, Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp. 173-190

Book: China : A New History, Fairbank and Goldman, Harvard University Press, 2002 pp. 54-57

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 46, 265-274

Book: China and the Chinese: Herbert Allen Giles: Kindle: 1902 pp. 141-172

Book: Chinese Thought, Roel Sterckx, Pelican, 2019 pp. 100-230

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 138-140

Book: Nearly a Chinese: A life of Clifford Stubbs, Charles Tyzack, Book Guild Publishing, 2013 pp. 135-139

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 71, 101-103

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 46-49, 96

Daoism (chinadiscovery)

Daoism (ctext)


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 264-266

Book Vol. 2 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 194-195

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 84-86

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 p. 341

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 70-71

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 p. 176

Book: Myths and Legends of China, Werner, Dover, 1922 pp. 44-45, 152, 206-224

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 170-171, 485-494

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 pp. 18-27

dragon (chinahighlights)

dragon (english-online)


Book: A Map History of Modern China, Catchpole, Heinemann, 1976 pp. 64-79

Book: China : A New History, Fairbank and Goldman, Harvard University Press, 2002 pp. 57-71, 88-127, 143-162, 343-450

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 64-73, 137-229, 377-380, 539-551

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 156-167

Book: China: A Macro History, Huang, Sharpe,1990 pp. 63-87

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 pp. 82-87, 122-147

Book: Early Civilization in China, Willaim Watson, Thames and Hudson, 1966 pp. 78-87

Book: History: China Handbook Series, Foreign Languages Press, 1982 pp. 39-50

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 10-11

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 108-111

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 145-149, 166-173, 191-194, 230-244

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 24-27, 32-33, 39-41, 52-59, 108-109, 165-185, 262-282, 294-332

Book: The First Emperor of China, Frances Wood, Profile Books, 2007 pp. 78-88

Book: The Sextants of Beijing, Waley-Cohen, Norton, 1999 pp. 21-37, 60-205

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 11-30, 61-93

Book: The Wall Has Two Sides, Felix Greene, Jonathon Cape,1970 pp. 210-211

Book: The Walled Kingdom, Witold Rodzinski, Fontana, 1984 pp. 67-85

Great tales of Chinese hero and Xia dynasty may be fact: not fiction

Magazine: Issue 135 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 30-33


Book Vol. 1 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 143-157, 250-253

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 93, 238-239

Book: An Introduction to Feng Shui, Ole Bruun, Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp. 1-210

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 186-187

Feng Shui (britannica)

Feng Shui (wikipedia)

Magazine: Issue 95 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 22-25

Yin-Yang and Five Processes Theory: Correlative Thinking ?%2122%b0?%2122%bd??…


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 94-96

Book: China, Sir Henry Arthur Blake, A & C Black, 1909 pp. 33-34

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 32-35

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 p. 69

Book: Old Beijing: In the Shadow of the Imperial Throne, Xu Chengbei, Foreign Languages Press,2001 pp. 37-40

Book: Twilight in the Forbidden City, Reginald Johnston, Oxford Paperbacks, 1934 p. 206



Balls Out: The Last Eunuch in China %7c Fiona K. Lee: Writer. Editor.…

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 185

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 248-250, 304-305

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 pp. 172-173

Book: Encounters with China, Trea Wiltshire, Formasia Books, 1995 pp. 119-120

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 p. 199

Book: The Dragon Empress, Marina Warner, Hamish Hamilton, 1972 pp. 20-23

Book: The Last Emperor, Edward Behr, Futura, 1987 pp. 72-74

Book: The Walled Kingdom, Witold Rodzinski, Fontana, 1984 pp. 150-151

eunuch (wikipedia)

eunuch (wikipedia)


Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 45-47

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 86

Mount Everest (bbvaopenmind)

Mount Everest (wikipedia)

Mount Everest (wikipedia)

Mount Everest (wikipedia)

Mount Everest (wikipedia)



Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 376-444

Book: A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East:Herbert… p. 46

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 37-38

Book: Chinese Characteristics, Arthur Henderson Smith, North China Herald, 1890 p. 20

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 p. 134

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 520-521

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 107-111

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 p. 36

Magazine: Issue 12 China In Focus, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1996-2003 pp. 26-28

The Traditional Examination System


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 98

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 614-615

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 76-77

Book: Chinese Characteristics, Arthur Henderson Smith, North China Herald, 1890 pp. 100-102

Book: It's All Chinese to Me, Pierre Ostrowski and Gwen Penner, Tuttle Publishing, 2011 pp. 54-67

Book: The Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese, Zhu Song, Xenophobes Guides, 2010 pp. 9-11, 459-509

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: ON GUESTS…

Feng Shui

Book: 60 Scenic Wonders in China, New World Press, 1980 pp. 41-44

Book: An Introduction to Feng Shui, Ole Bruun, Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp. 120, 130-136

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 178-179

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 p. 46

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 p. 33

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 p. 345

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 p. 120

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 206-233, 288-291

Feng Shui (feelingsuccess)

Feng Shui (telegraph)


15-Day Celebration of Chinese New Year - Chinese Customs

Book Vol. 2 Best Chinese Idioms: Situ Tam%3b Zhao Shuhan and Tang Bowen:… pp. 135-136

Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 24-90

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 159-160

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 44-47

Book: China, Sir Henry Arthur Blake, A & C Black, 1909 pp. 128-130

Book: Chinese Civilization - A source book, Patricia Ebrey, The Free Press, 1993 pp. 208-209

Book: Chinese Common Knowledge: Culture: Wang Yi: 2004:Hong Kong Chinese… pp. 38-41

Book: Chinese Cultural Traditions, Yujing He, CreateSpace publishing, 2013 pp. 14, 40-51

Book: Chinese Customs, Hu Lingque and Xiang Wei, Better Link Press, 2008 pp. 34-62

Book: Little-known Chinese Festivals,Shanghai Daily, Shanghai Daily, eBook pp. 1-200

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 pp. 58-59, 63-64

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 137-146

Book: The Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese, Zhu Song, Xenophobes Guides, 2010 pp. 78-80

Chinese New Year? ac%2122s Celebration - Chinese Customs

Festivals (teacup)

Festivals (wikipedia)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 113-114

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 76-77, 578-579

Book: China Culture Smart%21, Kathy Flower, Kuperard, 2010 p. 108

Book: Chinese Customs, Hu Lingque and Xiang Wei, Better Link Press, 2008 pp. 97-100

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 pp. 145-149

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 52, 154

Book: Taste of China: Ken Hom: Pavilion: 2005 pp. 108-109

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 368-377

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 p. 318

Book: The World of Ancient China, J-B Grosier, Minerva%3b, 1972 pp. 43-52

Magazine: Issue 149 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 10-24

The China Blog

Foot binding

Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 197-202

Book: China and the Chinese: Herbert Allen Giles: Kindle: 1902 pp. 202-203

Book: China: A Macro History, Huang, Sharpe,1990 p. 208

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 p. 135

Book: Myths and Legends of China, Werner, Dover, 1922 p. 39

Book: Revolution in a Chinese Village : Ten Mile Inn, Isabel and David Crook, Routledge and Kegan, 1959 pp. 6-9

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 pp. 89-90

Book: The Sextants of Beijing, Waley-Cohen, Norton, 1999 pp. 199-202

Book: When America first met China, Eric Jay Dolin, Liveright, 2013 pp. 179-181

foot binding (collectorsweekly)

foot binding (wikipedia)

Han Qiaoni: 102: last woman with bound feet had her toes broken when…

How Foot Binding Worked %7c HowStuffWorks

The Peculiar History of Foot Binding in China - The Atlantic


Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 357-358

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 117-118

Book: Chinese Civilization - A source book, Patricia Ebrey, The Free Press, 1993 pp. 105-108

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 200-202

Chinese Tale: Da Ji

Myths and Legends of China: Chapter XV. Fox Legends

symFox (wikipedia)

symFox (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 2 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 p. 30

Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 p. 323

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 p. 90

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 194-195

fu good fortune (wikipedia)


Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 518-536

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 178-179

Book: For all the tea in China, Sarah Rose, Arrow, 2010 pp. 13-14

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 230-238

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 107

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 425-432

Magazine: Issue 12 China In Focus, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1996-2003 pp. 23-25

Great Wall

Book: 60 Scenic Wonders in China, New World Press, 1980 pp. 2-3

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 12-14

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 619-622

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 116

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 151, 165

Book: The First Emperor of China, Frances Wood, Profile Books, 2007 pp. 68-77

Book: The Great Wall, Man, Bantam, 2008 pp. 1-600

Great Wall (popularmechanics)

Great Wall (scienceblogs)

Great Wall (tripzilla)

Magazine: Issue 7 China Eye, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 2004- pp. 18-19


A history of

Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 42, 240-243

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 137

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 610-619

Book: Chinese Characteristics, Arthur Henderson Smith, North China Herald, 1890 p. 76

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 p. 99

Book: The Manners and Customs of the Chinese of the Straits Settlements, J.D. Vaughan, Oxford Asia Paperbacks, 1879 p. 3

Book: To Change China, Jonathan Spence, Penguin, 1980 p. 32

Book: Twilight in the Forbidden City, Reginald Johnston, Oxford Paperbacks, 1934 p. 274

Magazine: Issue 135 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 30-31

symHair (books)

symHair (chinaheritagequarterly)

symHair (metafilter)


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 375-376

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 105, 175-176

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 129-131

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 238-254

Book: Myths and Legends of China, Werner, Dover, 1922 pp. 42-43

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 p. 144

Book: The World of Ancient China, J-B Grosier, Minerva%3b, 1972 p. 33

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: ON GUESTS…

customs (vagabondjourney)


Book: Bomb Book and Compass, Simon Winchester, Penguin, 2009 pp. 1-275

Book: Myths and Legends of China, Werner, Dover, 1922 p. 61

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 340-342, 433-455

Book: The Genius of China, Robert Temple, Inner Traditions, 2007 pp. 1-281

Inventions (books)

Inventions (phrases)

Inventions (thelists)

Magazine: Issue 1 China Eye, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 2004- pp. 17-19

Magazine: Issue 7 China Eye, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 2004- pp. 20-22


Book Vol. 3 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 2-6

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 153-154

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 p. 124

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 234-237

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 pp. 138-139

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 60-61

Book: The Stone of Heaven, Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001 pp. 3-7


Book: Travels in China: Roy Lancaster: Antique Collectors Club: 1989 p. 122

Kiwifruit (nzhistory)

Kiwifruit (time)

Kiwifruit (wikipedia)


Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 219-220

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 404-405

Book: The Encyclopedia Sinica:Samuel Collins: Oxford University Press: 1917 p. 25

Book: The Lion and the Dragon, Aubrey Singer, Barrie and Jenkins, 1992 pp. 26-61

Book: The Rise and Fall of the BritishEmpire: Lawrence James: 1995 p. 240

Book: Through the Chinese Revolution, Ralph and Nancy Lapwood, Spalding and Levy, 1954 p. 81

Book: Twilight in the Forbidden City, Reginald Johnston, Oxford Paperbacks, 1934 pp. 73-74

kowtow (wikipedia)

Kung Fu

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 46, 159, 273

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 169-172

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 pp. 159-163

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 p. 255

Magazine: Issue 141 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 p. 30


Book Vol. 1 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 3-11

Book: A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East:Herbert… pp. 170-172

Book: Colloquial Chinese: A Complete Language Course, Routledge, 1995 pp. 3-4

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 449-450

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 72-80, 93-95

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 42-43

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 324-339

Book: The Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese, Zhu Song, Xenophobes Guides, 2010 pp. 64-66

cantonese (wikipedia)

cantonese (wikipedia)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 168-170

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 255-258

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 p. 119

symLotus (wikipedia)

symLotus (wikipedia)


A History of the Mandarin Orange - Harvest to Table

Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 307-308

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 177, 219

Book: A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East:Herbert… p. 142

Book: China and the West, Jerome Chen, Hutchinson, 1979 p. 228

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 146-147, 300-301

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 60-68

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 93-95

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 pp. 122-126

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 53

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 p. 332

Book: Things Chinese: James Dyer:Kelly and Walsh:1903 pp. 319-321

Chinese Charms -- Hidden Meaning of Symbols

symOrange (hort)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 203-204

Book: China A to Z, Kai Strittmatter, Haus Publishing, 2006 pp. 27-33

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 326-331

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 pp. 31-50

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 335-336

Book: Things Chinese: James Dyer:Kelly and Walsh:1903 pp. 467-470

It's all in the name --


Book Vol. 2 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 p. 37

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 1-323

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 226, 318-320

Book: Chinese Cultural Traditions, Yujing He, CreateSpace publishing, 2013 pp. 20-21

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 294-297

Book: For all the tea in China, Sarah Rose, Arrow, 2010 p. 106

Book: Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 1-100

Book: Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art: Fang Jing Pei: Ten Speed Press: 2004 pp. 84-86

Book: The Story of China, Michael Wood, Simon and Schuster, 2020 p. 137

Book: The Xenophobe's Guide to the Chinese, Zhu Song, Xenophobes Guides, 2010 pp. 75-80

Chinese Charms -- Hidden Meaning of Symbols

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: SYMBOLS IN…

weights and measures (china)

Old and New

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 63-68

Book: Son of the Revolution, Liang Heng%3b Judith Shapiro, Vintage, 1984 pp. 68-71

Book: The First Chinese Embassy to the West, J.D. Frodsham, Clarendon Press, 1974 pp. 138-149

customs (wikipedia)


Book: A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East:Herbert… pp. 166-170

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 554-565

Book: China: A Macro History, Huang, Sharpe,1990 pp. 200-212

Book: Chinese Civilization - A source book, Patricia Ebrey, The Free Press, 1993 pp. 344-345

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 354-355

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 230-235

Book: The Civilization Of China, Herbert A. Giles, Bickers and Dagny, 1911 p. 101

Book: The Opium War through Chinese eyes, Arthur Waley, Stanford University Press, 1958 pp. 1-244

Book: The Sextants of Beijing, Waley-Cohen, Norton, 1999 pp. 140-165

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 221-222

Book: The Walled Kingdom, Witold Rodzinski, Fontana, 1984 pp. 180-207

Book: When America first met China, Eric Jay Dolin, Liveright, 2013 pp. 209-264


Book: A Visual Celebration of Giant Pandas: Fanny Lai and Bjorn Olesen:… pp. 1-176

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 360-361

Book: The Giant Panda, Ramona and Desmond Morris, Kogan Page, 1981 pp. 1-179

Book: The Things that Nobody knows p. 279

Environment: News & features

Giant Pandas (9news)

Giant Pandas (economist)

Giant Pandas (news)

Giant Pandas (scmp)

Giant Pandas (tripzilla)

Giant panda %7c Smithsonian's National Zoo


Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 p. 53

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 p. 340

Magazine: Issue 118 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 31-33

paper (wikipedia)

paper (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 2 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 306-310

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 126

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 32-33

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 202-203

Book: Feng Shui, Stephen Skinner, Parragon, 1997 pp. 10-27

Book: It's All Chinese to Me, Pierre Ostrowski and Gwen Penner, Tuttle Publishing, 2011 pp. 130-140

Qi (wikipedia)

Scrabble (scrabble)

Queen and Empress

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 220-261

Book: The Dragon Empress, Marina Warner, Hamish Hamilton, 1972 pp. 134, 223

Book: The Stone of Heaven, Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2001 pp. 108-109

Dowager Empress Cixi (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 307-309

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 248-249

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 38-40

Book: China Wakes, Nichola Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn, Random House, 1995 p. 70

Book: Chinese Customs, Hu Lingque and Xiang Wei, Better Link Press, 2008 pp. 20-21, 62-63

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 p. 69

Book: The last days of Old Beijing, Michael Meyer, Walker, 2008 p. 288

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: SYMBOLS IN…

symRed (wikipedia)

symRed (wikipedia)


Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 pp. 229-241

Book: The Opium War through Chinese eyes, Arthur Waley, Stanford University Press, 1958 pp. 100-102

Book: When America first met China, Eric Jay Dolin, Liveright, 2013 pp. 159, 170

Rhubarb (media)

Rhubarb (theguardian)

Rhubarb (wikipedia)

Rhubarb (wikipedia)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 250-251

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 280-281

Book: China A to Z, Kai Strittmatter, Haus Publishing, 2006 pp. 110-111

Book: China: Library of Nations,TimeLife,1984 pp. 48-49

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 p. 341

rice (china)

rice (knowledgebank)

rice (wikipedia)

rice (worldstopexports)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 242-243

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 151-229

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 p. 495

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 12-14

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 55-58

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 80-84

Roman empire (books)

Roman empire (dailymail)

Roman empire (wikipedia)

Silk Route (wikipedia)

Silk Road

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 174-202

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 pp. 464-465, 495

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 pp. 56-57

Book: Encounters with China, Trea Wiltshire, Formasia Books, 1995 p. 118

Book: Insight Guides: China, APA publications, 1994 pp. 229-241

Book: Life along the Silk Road, Susan Whitfield, University of California Press, 1999 pp. 1-225

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 pp. 55-58

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 47-48

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 68-70

Book: The Treasures and Dynasties of China, Bamber Gascoigne, Jonathan Cape, 1973 pp. 80-84

Silk Route (teacup)

Silk Route (wikipedia)

Silk Route (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 2 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 2-7

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 267

Book: An Introduction to Feng Shui, Ole Bruun, Cambridge University Press, 2008 pp. 56-57

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 27-30, 411-412

sixty (wikipedia)

South and North

Book Vol. 1 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 200-201

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 9-10

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 162-164, 189-200

Book: Modern China: A companion to a rising power, Graham Hutchings, Harvard University Press, 2003 pp. 166-171

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 230-238, 422-424

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 75-77, 444

compass (wikipedia)

compass (wiktionary)

compass (wiktionary)

Magazine: Issue 1 China Eye, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 2004- pp. 17-19


Book Vol. 2 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 16, 106

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 280-281, 286-287

Book: Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: Centenary Edition: 1970: Cassell p. 1051

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 381-382

Book: Nine Dragon Screen: The China Society: Percy Lund: 1965 pp. 1-28

symSwastika (porchlight)

symSwastika (wikipedia)

symSwastika (wikipedia)


Book: Chinese Civilization - A source book, Patricia Ebrey, The Free Press, 1993 pp. 335-340

Book: Chinese Cultural Traditions, Yujing He, CreateSpace publishing, 2013 pp. 1-52

Book: The First Chinese Embassy to the West, J.D. Frodsham, Clarendon Press, 1974 pp. 138-149

Book: The Silent Traveller in Oxford: Chiang Yee: Signal Books: 1944 p. 49

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: ON GUESTS…

customs (ltl-school)


Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 140, 312-313

Book: China : A New History, Fairbank and Goldman, Harvard University Press, 2002 pp. 129-130, 183-186

Book: China Wakes, Nichola Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn, Random House, 1995 pp. 48-49

Book: Encounters with China, Trea Wiltshire, Formasia Books, 1995 pp. 147-149

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 pp. 545-557

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 101-106

Book: The World of Ancient China, J-B Grosier, Minerva%3b, 1972 pp. 15-21

Book: Treason by the book, Jonathan Spence, Penguin,2001 pp. 120-131

punishment (deathpenaltyworldwide)

punishment (wikipedia)


Book: Chinese Lattice Designs, Daniel Dye, Dover, 1974 pp. 15-18, 30-39

glass (amazon)

glass (wikipedia)

windows (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 1 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 pp. 92-112

Book: Birdless Summer: Han Suyin: Jonathan Cape: 1968 pp. 98-101

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 pp. 36, 344

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 79-83

Book: China Wakes, Nichola Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn, Random House, 1995 pp. 212-239

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 p. 157

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 p. 78

Book: Chronicles of the Chinese Emperors, Ann Paludan, Thames and Hudson, 1998 pp. 98-99

Book: River Town, Peter Hessler, John Murray, 2002 pp. 274-275

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 146

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pp. 158-161, 278-280

Book: The Civilization Of China, Herbert A. Giles, Bickers and Dagny, 1911 pp. 97-200

Book: The Dragon Empress, Marina Warner, Hamish Hamilton, 1972 pp. 15-20

Book: The Gate of Heavenly Peace, Jonathan Spence, Penguin, 1982 p. 83

Book: The World of Ancient China, J-B Grosier, Minerva%3b, 1972 pp. 14-15

Book: Things Chinese: James Dyer:Kelly and Walsh:1903 pp. 86-87

Book: Through the Chinese Revolution, Ralph and Nancy Lapwood, Spalding and Levy, 1954 p. 87


women (reddit)

women (wikipedia)


Book Vol. 1 Fun with Chinese Characters, The Straits Times, Federal Publications,1982 pp. 3-11

Book Vol. 1 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 5-14

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 p. 440

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 p. 219

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 97-98

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 p. 198

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 56, 61-62

Book: Massacres of Christians by heathen Chinese and horrors of the Boxers, Harold Irwin Cleveland, Miller, 1900 p. 454

Book: Modern China: A companion to a rising power, Graham Hutchings, Harvard University Press, 2003 pp. 114-116

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 83-100, 321-326

Book: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China, ed. Brian Hook, Cambridge University Press, 1991 pp. 333-334, 398-399

Calligraphy (gongsunsheng)

Calligraphy (paulnoll)


language (learningenglish)


Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 p. 322

Book: China : Eyewitness Travel, Dorling Kindersley, 2012 p. 153

Book: China A to Z, Kai Strittmatter, Haus Publishing, 2006 pp. 14-16

Book: China A to Z, May-lee Chai and Winberg Chai, Plume, 2007 pp. 38-40

Book: China Wakes, Nichola Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn, Random House, 1995 p. 195

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 p. 50

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 p. 8

Book: The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Patricia Embury, Cambridge University Press, 2010 p. 1

brief introduction

CHINESE IDIOMS AND SAYINGS ?%b1 30?%af%ad??%90?%af%ad: SYMBOLS IN…

symYellow (kirj)

symYellow (travelchinaguide)

Untitled Document

Yellow Emperor (teacup)

Yellow River (factsanddetails)

Yellow River (sciencedirect)

Yi Jing or I Ching

Book Vol. 1 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 168-190

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 218-219, 298-299

Book: Disputers of the Tao, A.C. Graham, Open Court, 1989 pp. 358-382

Book: Emperor of China, Jonathan Spence, Vintage Books, 1974 pp. 29-30, 44-45, 64-66

Book: Feng Shui, Stephen Skinner, Parragon, 1997 pp. 32-63

Book: The Complete I Ching, Alfred Huang, Inner Traditions, 2004 pp. 1-20

yarrow method %7c I Ching with Clarity

Yi Jing (biroco)

Yi Jing (scholarship)

Yi Jing (wikipedia)

Yi Jing (wikipedia)

Yijing ?%2dc 1c?%b6 1c or Zhouyi ? 18%a8?%2dc 1c

Yin and Yang

Book Vol. 1 The Shorter Science and Civilization in China, Needham and Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978 pp. 160-161

Book: A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols, Eberhard, Routledge, 1983 pp. 277-278, 321-323

Book: Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs, C.A.S. Williams, Tuttle, 1993 pp. 271-274, 385-387, 458-462

Book: Nagel's Encyclopedia guide: China, Nagel, 1978 pp. 138-139

Book: Symbols of China, Feng Jicai, Compendium, 2010 p. 60

Magazine: Issue 95 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 pp. 22-25

Yin and Yang (wikipedia)

Yin - Yang - Chinese Customs


Book Vol. 2 Social life of the Chinese, Justus Doolittle, Harper and Brothers, 1865 p. 421

Book: A description of the empire of China: Jean-Baptiste Du Halde: tr.… pp. 120-136

Book: China : A New History, Fairbank and Goldman, Harvard University Press, 2002 pp. 43-45

Book: China : A short cultural history, C.P. Fitzgerald, The Cresset Press, 1950 p. 430

Book: China: A Concise History, Meyer, Littlefield Adams, 1984 pp. 83-84

Book: Lonely Planet: China, 1988 pp. 10-11

Book: Origins of Chinese People and Customs, Li Xiaoxiang, Asiapac Books, 2008 pp. 3-5

Book: The Encyclopedia Sinica:Samuel Collins: Oxford University Press: 1917 pp. 156-157

Book: The Origin of the Chinese People, John Ross, Pekanduk, 1994 pp. 57-60

Book: The Question of Hu, Johnathan Spence, Vintage, 1989 pp. 11-16

Civilization Origin

Magazine: Issue 131 China Now, Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, 1970-1995 p. 22

Zhongguo (historians)

Zhongguo (wikipedia)

Zhongguo (wikipedia)

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